Tuesday 14 May 2013

Anglican Communion opposes emergency rule in northern states

Anglican Communion in Nigeria has expressed opposition to any plan to impose emergency rule in any of the troubled northern states.
According to the church, rather than resorting to imposition of emergency rule, what is required is a comprehensive approach to tackling insecurity in the country.
The Primate of the church, Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh, who spoke on Monday during a press conference on the eighth Synod of the church, scheduled to start on Thursday in Abuja, recalled that selected declaration of emergency rule, as witnessed in parts of Borno and Yobe states in the past “did not change anything.”
He said, “Insecurity should be addressed comprehensively. If you declare emergency rule in Nasarawa, the people move to Benue. When you declare in Benue, they move to another place.”
Besides, he said the Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment Programme had become an avenue for corruption and mismanagement of resources by those in charge.
According to him, the exchange of hot words between the leaders of Niger Delta and the North on 2015 presidential election and other issues were an indication of insecurity in the land.
Describing the insecurity posed by Boko Haram and another deadly group, Ombatshe Militia Cult in Nasarawa State as a national issue, “and not a religious or northern issue,” Okoh lamented that the type of response to the develoments from highly placed people in the land only showed that they were not interested in the survival of Nigeria.
Arguing that there was the need for a practical measure to curb insecurity, Okoh appealed to government officials, who might not be able to shun corruption, to resign their appointments.
He said, “Government officials are called ministers because they are supposed to serve. Their joy comes from serving the people. Their dignity and honour come from serving the people; not in lording it over the people. Anybody who is unable to fit into these slots ought to resign because offices are for service.
“You can’t say after all it is oil money, let me take it. Oil money is not there by accident; it is a divine gift for a purpose.”
Also describing corruption as an aberration that is unchristian, ungodly and an unfair treatment of others, the Primate said the basic problem in the country was the unfair distribution of resources in a way that those in leadership positions and those outside would be catered for.
“You will be surprised at the level of corruption going on in schools, markets, political parties, trade unions and guilds of all types. They will not be excused: they will all give account,” he said.
Okoh also faulted the composition of the Amnesty committee set up by the Federal Government, saying it might cause more problems for the country.
He said, “I want to say emphatically that the issue of Boko Haram is not a northern affair. It is not an Islamic affair. It is issue of national security; so representation on the committee ought to be widespread across the country. If the committee submits a report and it is narrow, the President will have a problem because if he approves it, it is a problem; if he refuses to approve it would be a problem.”
Okoh also cautioned the government against secret meetings with the Boko Haram members.
He added, “As desirable as it is for us to have peace, we must not have peace negotiated on Boko Haram terms. One would have loved a situation, where amnesty is the climax of a drawn out programme of public discussion, so that Nigerians will be able to ask: ‘why did you take up arms? Where did you get the arms? Who are the people providing the money and supplying the arms?’ It will be necessary to know. It will be necessary to know why the church was the target?”

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